Posted by: quiscus | December 29, 2009

December 29, 2009

1.  “Giraldi: US Intel Found Iran Nuke Document Was Forged

U.S. intelligence has concluded that the document published recently by the Times of London, which purportedly describes an Iranian plan to do experiments on what the newspaper described as a “neutron initiator” for an atomic weapon, is a fabrication, according to a former Central Intelligence Agency official.

Philip Giraldi, who was a CIA counterterrorism official from 1976 to 1992, told IPS that intelligence sources say that the United States had nothing to do with forging the document, and that Israel is the primary suspect. The sources do not rule out a British role in the fabrication, however.

This is not the first time that Giraldi has been tipped off by his intelligence sources on forged documents. Giraldi identified the individual or office responsible for creating the two most notorious forged documents in recent U.S. intelligence history.

In 2005, Giraldi identified Michael Ledeen, the extreme right-wing former consultant to the National Security Council and the Pentagon, as an author of the fabricated letter purporting to show Iraqi interest in purchasing uranium from Niger. That letter was used by the George W. Bush administration to bolster its false case that Saddam Hussein had an active nuclear weapons program.

Giraldi also identified officials in the “Office of Special Plans” who worked under Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith as having forged a letter purportedly written by Hussein’s intelligence director, Tahir Jalail Habbush al-Tikriti, to Hussein himself referring to an Iraqi intelligence operation to arrange for an unidentified shipment from Niger.”

2.  Now the truth comes out:

Homeland Security Chair: Lap Bomber Could Block Gitmo Closure

For a man whose major accomplishment is setting his own lap on fire with a condom full of explosives, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab’s influence on American policy both foreign and domestic has positively exploded.

Not only has he managed to force a major crackdown by the TSA, including a virtual ban on laptop computers and most carry-on luggage, he is also setting the stage for a war against Yemen based purely on his claims that he was there at one point.

But if that wasn’t enough, House Homeland Security Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-MS) now says Abdulmutallab may further delay President Barack Obama’s already broken promise to close the detention center at Guantanamo Bay.

Several Republican Congressmen have also chimed in, declaring the lap bomber as reason enough all by himself not to close the detention center, essentially ever. Can one man really have this much power?

Adding to the fuel to keep the facility open, ABC News even claims that a pair of former detainees are to blame for the plot. The logic is convoluted: two former detainees were shipped to Saudi Arabia for “art therapy” and eventually went to Yemen, where officials say they joined al-Qaeda. Abdulmutallab has apparently been to Yemen and claims to be in al-Qaeda. Somehow, this “connection” has been seized upon eagerly, and with the bombs already falling on Yemen (for weeks before the attack, for what that’s worth) the need to manufacture a ex post facto justification has pundits in high gear.”

3.  Consider the source:

Report: Al-Qaeda Claims Credit for Failed Detroit Bombing

According to IntelCenter, the ever-present US government contractor at the forefront of most dubious al-Qaeda claims, al-Qaeda has claimed responsibility for the failed Detroit lap bomber attack.”

4.  No kidding:

Terrorism Is a Cost of Empire

To justify the federal government’s massive post-9/11 infringements on civil liberties, the proponents of Big Government have sometimes said, “There hasn’t been another major terrorist attack on the United States since 9/11. ”

I have responded with the following: “But if there had been another major terrorist attack, you Big Government advocates would be using that as a justification for even more severe infringements on civil liberties. So, either way you go, doesn’t Big Government win?”

What the American people need to finally realize is that with Empire comes costs, including:

1. The meaningless deaths of U.S. soldiers. (No, they’re not dying to protect our rights and freedoms here at home but rather to maintain the hegemony of the Empire.)

2. The out-of-control federal spending that is sending our nation down the road to bankruptcy through debt, taxes, and inflation.

3. The constant threat of terrorist retaliation.

4. Ever-growing infringements on civil liberties.

The only way to avoid such costs is to dismantle the Empire, end the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, close all the overseas bases, and bring all the troops home and discharge them. There is no other way. Either keep the Empire and accept the costs, or restore a republic and get peace, prosperity, harmony, normalcy, and freedom.”

5.  You silly bad faith tea-baggers need to grow up, and start acting in good faith.  It would have helped your cause immensely if you had bothered getting off your ass, and protested something, under Bush:

“Majority Of Tea Party Group’s Spending Went To GOP Firm That Created It”

6.  I’d be divorcing that slimy, evil, wretched, excuse for a human being, also:

Rove: Champion of “traditional” divorce

like so many of his like-minded pious comrades, Rove seems far better at preaching the virtues of “traditional marriage” to others and exploiting them for political gain than he does adhering to those principles in his own life

Rove obtained his divorce under Texas’ “no-fault” divorce law, one of the most permissive in the nation.  That law basically allows any married couple to simply end their marriage because they feel like it.  Texas, needless to say, is one of the states which has constitutionally barred same-sex marriages, and has a Governor who explicitly cites Christian dogma as the reason to support that provision, yet the overwhelming majority of Texan citizens make sure that there’s nothing in the law making their own marriages binding or permanent — i.e., traditional.  They’re willing to limit other people’s marriage choices on moral grounds, but not their own, and thus have a law that lets them divorce whenever the mood strikes.  That’s the very permissive, untraditional and un-Christian law that Rove just exploited in order to obtain his divorce.

I’ve long thought that the solution to the cheap, cost-free moralizing that leads very upstanding people like Karl Rove to want to ban same-sex marriages (which they don’t want to enter into themselves, and thus cost them nothing) is to have those same “principles” apply consistently to all marriage laws.  If Karl Rove, Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh and their friends and followers actually were required by law to stay married to their wives — the way that “traditional marriage” was generally supposed to work — the movement to have our secular laws conform to “traditional marriage” principles would almost certainly die a quick, quiet and well-deserved death.”

7.  ”

Patriotism and dedicated service to a mission to start wars all over the world does no service to the Nation; it undermines the American homeland.  Bravery and heroism in service to a cause, whose ultimate objective is the destruction of the American Republic, is more than foolishness, it is dishonor to those who have served in the past and a dark stain on the ideals they fought for.

It was not enough that we were slowly destroying the world in order to maintain our extravagant lifestyles; they had to go and accelerate the process.  What have we empowered our leaders to do in the name of “preserving our way of life”?

To save the American way, we have spread the cancer of war onto every shore, driving it deeply into every heart.  We have forced the entire world to engage in our war upon individual freedom, for limiting freedom of action in the rest of the nations is the only way to avoid limits on our own behavior.  American foreign policy is a pathological assault upon the rest of the human race.  Anyone with an unsuppressed conscience, a true love of his or her country, or an ounce of human decency has to be disturbed to the point of exploding over what is being done by American hands.

Most of our leaders freely admit that we are in this global war to preserve our “way of life,” having dropped the ruse about this being a war of “self-defense,” long ago.  Even though it is approaching absurdity to continue claiming victim status in this war of aggression, the appeal that we are fighting to preserve the “American dream” still fires-up the ignorant masses, who all long to become millionaires themselves.  For sheep such as this, there is no cure; no appeal to reason (no matter how eloquent or profound) can dissuade them from supporting this fight for world conquest.  Such people have long ago laid their consciences to rest, for them there is no hope.

Everything in the plan centers around the willingness of a certain type of individual to murder his own countrymen for money and power.  Without the active aid of this key personality type; the plan will not work.

Wherever the Empire oozes forth, spreading its putrid decadence, there are always countless men without consciences, waiting to become part of the great desolation. When confronted by this evil, so many men think that they will somehow fare better by serving this beast than by opposing it. The monsters know this, and know how to recognize which men and women can be swayed with bribery or threats and which ones will not submit to the yoke for any reason. Their work is organized like a symphony, hitting the high notes here, slamming the low notes over there. The point is, they know how to play us like we were merely instruments. Our task in the resistance must be to recognize this and learn to recognize the sheep’s mind within ourselves. Once we learn to recognize it within, we can apply that knowledge to the people we meet, or hope to influence, learning to recognize which one is open to reason and which one is a closed mind. Their intent to control the world is based on their ability to control and manipulate minds. We must develop similar capabilities, if we are to be effective. Changing human nature is the name of the game. We must teach the sheep to think like wolves.

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